I have had people ask me when I find the time to blog. I have a full-time job, a husband, and a dog. While I'm not juggling 5 children in the mix, I am also not laying in bed all day watching TV. How do I manage to find time to blog? Well, it's simple. I'm married to flight school.
Parker and I joke that he will be in training forever because he literally picked the longest training pipeline he could have. Any other route would have gotten him out of training and into the fleet sooner. He's been in training over 2 years and still has about a year and a half to go. That's the length of my entire college career. Parker graduated from college just like I did, but he jumped right back into school when he commissioned as a student aviator. This is his dream job and he is so happy to be here, but the school part can be tough on both of us.
When most people graduate, they get a typical 8-5 job. That's what I did. I start working at 8 AM every day, and I shut down at 5 PM every day. This means I have 5 PM until I got to sleep around 11 PM to do whatever I want. I can watch TV, work-out, make dinner, etc. I have clearly defined lines of when I will be working and when I won't each day. Parker's schedule could not be more different than mine. Some days he has class until 5 PM and then comes home to study the information he learned for the rest of the evening. Some days he has a flight at 5:30 AM and is home mid-morning, only to begin studying for tomorrow's flight. Parker has the opposite of an 8-5 schedule.
This difficult schedule could be a blessing in disguise because we genuinely get excited to hang out with each other. We can't just spend every evening together that we want to. Parker made a commitment, and his job right now is to complete flight school. Because of this, we have become pretty good at taking advantage of the time we have together. Thankfully, the man has to eat, so I am usually guaranteed at least 15 minutes with him each night, assuming he doesn't have a night flight.
Yes, it's an adjustment, but this is just how our life works. We don't really know anything different, so it's our job to play the hand we were dealt to the best of our ability. As far as blogging though, I'm typically not too pressed for time. With Parker studying/flying so much, I have to have a hobby to keep me occupied besides vegging out and watching TV all night. Blogging has actually been a positive thing for us because it allows me to focus on something other than the fact that my husband is just in the next room but can't hang out.
Right now, I'm married to flight school. This is just a season of our life, and there are a lot of positives about flight school. Exhibit A: He's still in training and thus not deploying yet. I'll take a 15 minute dinner each day over a 10 month separation any day. Like I said before, it also makes us appreciate the moments we do have. I may be writing this on a Wednesday evening with a pup asleep by my side and a husband upstairs studying, but it's not bad at all. I am actually kind of loving this stage of life, flight school and all.
How do you handle conflicting schedules with your significant other?

I love being back in the 'flight school lifestyle'. Hubby is an instructor in P.Cola now, so we're on the opposite side of the crazy student-studying this time, but we still get the fun schedule. Yesterday he was back home at 10am. You can't beat that!
I'm about to be a baseball widow so I get as much done as I can when he is away so when he is home we spend time together.
We both have regular jobs, but my hubby is back in school to finish his finance degree. He should graduate next spring, and I'm very excited about that. It is rough now at night and on the weekends because he has to do so much school stuff, homework, and studying. It is especially difficult with a 3 year old and 5 month old, but we're making it, and I know it will only better us in the long run!
I love your attitude about this. As you know, my husband is in school and I rarely see him, but like you said... this is only a season within the marriage. Again, I love everything about this post. I needed this today! =)
This was a nice look into how things work! You have such a positive attitude about everything. It's really refreshing!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Love your positive outlook on life! :) Sometimes you just gotta find a happy balance between everyone's schedules and do what works for you as a couple. With the respect you have for his job and career, you handle it like a rock star!
Conflicting schedules are tough but it seems like you are making it work. :) We do the same thing we will take 5 minutes together over nothing at all. Kyle works 15-16 hour days and I take what I can get with it. :)
I totally understand. This is Andrew's last semester of undergrad and it's a tough one. He comes home, but has to lock himself in the office to study most nights.
I absolutely LOVE your outlook on this and I think you need to be hired to teach Military Wives with husbands in flight school how to deal with it all.. you're so great at it all!
I used to be horrible about dealing with crazy schedules and not getting to talk to my fiance much but the longer we have been together the slightly better it gets. I'm sure it will never be easy, but like you said, enjoying the 15 minutes you can is well worth it!
I totally feel you on this! Right now i'm working a mon-fri 7:30-4:30 schedule and my hubby is working frid-mon. All we have are our evenings, and I'm thankful he's not in school or studying at the moment so I actually get to see him :)
And yes, having been through 2 deployments (thankfully not 10 months!)-it's better than that.
My Wholesome Home
This makes me not miss that part of my life! When my husband and I were both active duty, we had crazy schedules that didn't ever seem to match up...then we thought, "hey! let's throw a kid in the mix!". It became draining, so I got out of the Marine Corps to be a SAHM! Your life sounds crazy, but how awesome that you're looking at the positives and cherishing the moments you DO get to spend together!
Honestly some of the best times Joe and I had were when he was in pilot training. Like you said, you don't get to see them a whole lot but when you do you learn to make the best of it and have fun. Enjoy the no deployments while you can too, it's nice never having to stress about that.
We are in a training cycle now too. He is gone every other week at the least. So I get a lot of down time to focus on blogging too.
I loved this post! I love your optimism in dealing with the hand you've been dealt!
When my husband is deployed I get SUPER into my blog and social media. When he's home, I try to get as much done as I can while he's at work and his home time is our time together. When I was working 40-45 hour work weeks, I never could have had a blog, unless I got it all done while he had duty.
Finding what works in each individual marriage is key, and for us, it means virtually no computer during our together time.
I can definitely relate. Nick has winged but it's the same thing. Work schedule changes and when he is home, he's studying and prepping for the next day. I honestly don't feel any change from flight school to now. I thought I would but nope. Although, I have no complaints. Like you said, it's better than him being deployed!!
I love your attitude! It is so important to take the opportunities in life and embrace them, making them work for you. It may not look like a standard lifestyle for now, and who cares if it ever does look "standard", but I love that you both have found ways to connect and invest in each other during this time! Thanks so much for linking up :) I loved reading your perspective!
Jordan and I have similar schedules right now, and I really like it. I but sometimes it would be nice to have the apt allll to myself if he's at work :) I love your positive attitude about this time in your life!
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