Thoughts: Loving this second trimester! Baby seems to have popped out to say hello this week and I am loving it. I rub my little bump so much throughout the day it might as well be Buddha.
Baby: Baby is the size of a lemon this week, measuring 3.4 inches long and weighing 1.5 ounces. Baby now has a roof of the mouth and intestines in place in his/her body.
Baby: Baby is the size of a lemon this week, measuring 3.4 inches long and weighing 1.5 ounces. Baby now has a roof of the mouth and intestines in place in his/her body.
Weight: I am sitting here writing this at 10 PM the night before it gets published, and I just had a giant dinner at Chili's. So, weighing myself right now would not be advantageous. I will say I think my 0 number changed, but I'll be sure to get an accurate number for next week!
Symptoms: Just overall exhaustion, pregnancy brain, a little round ligament pain, and some nice bacne to boot! Same old, same old on that front.
Sleep: I traveled for work this week (and got to see my family!) and had the military ball last weekend, so I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked. I prefer about 9 hours and really don't function well on less than 8. I've always been big on sleep though! I swear that's the reason I hardly ever get sick.
Cravings/Aversions/Eating: I still want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch every single day. I was home with my twin earlier in the week, and I said, "oh my gosh, let's make nachos in the oven like we used to eat when we were kids! And scrambled eggs!". And then that's exactly what I ate for lunch, so that was strange.
Workouts: This past week I think my body was really trying to tell me to take it easy. I ran my usual 2 miles one morning, but it was so difficult. I wasn't really breathing heavily, but it was so hard to get my body to actually move. I finished the run much slower than normal, exhausted, and my heart rate was 20 bpm higher than it's supposed to go while pregnant. It was a wake up call that I am not taking it easy enough, so I've been sticking to power walking. My sister and I power walked 3 miles earlier this week, and it felt amazing!
Clothes: Thankfully loose tops are the style right now, so I can still wear pretty much everything. Thanks to the rubber band trick on select pants, those all still fit too!
Random: Baby Phelps attended his/her first military ball this past weekend! I bought a fetal doppler so I could listen to the heartbeat at home (apparently I'm that mom, and it's Sonaline B if you're interested in being that mom too), and I was able to find the heartbeat for about 10 seconds! It was hovering between 140-150 bpm. I brought it home with me to Texas for my mom and sister to hear, but after trying to find it for about 5 minutes we gave up. Baby is so small and wiggly, so it's pretty hard to find right now. I'll try again soon!
And because this is just too good not to post, my twin sister posted this picture on Instagram with the following caption: "My twin and our baby bumps! Spoiler alert, one of our bumps was actually fathered by a Taco Bell burrito. I won't say which one." Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Hahaha! I love the taco bell burrito father comment - that's hilarious. Your bump IS starting to show - how exciting! :)
So fun.
I'm so glad to see that baby Phelps is starting to poke out a little bit. I hope you have better luck with the heartbeat as the little one gets bigger. And I feel like I would also rub my belly all the time. I wouldn't be able to resist.
You look so adorable! :)
haha I LOVE that photo and caption at the end. I had no idea you could purchase at home dopplers! That's so amazing!!!!!!
hahaha I love that last photo! So funny! I never got the home doppler but I always thought they would be so cool to have
yay baby bump :) i see it showing there!
Hahaha I love this! After I eat a big meal I always think "I look pregnant!" One time I got asked when the baby was due- yikes!
You look really cute! Your sister is funny!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
So happy for you! I am a day from 13 weeks and my body has forced me to slow down lately, too. I feel like exhaustion hit me just in the last week! I love a good excuse for a nap. (-Andrew's sister)
So happy to read that you're still feeling pretty great overall! I love your little bump (& your sisters food bump, haha)
Your bump is so darn precious! I hear you on the heartrate thing. My OB has been great and said that for the first two trimesters, it was okay to stretch the limit a little bit, so long as my heartrate wasn't raised too high for more than 10 minutes. These days though, I have a no-running order, and it's difficult!
Power walking is a lifesaver though. You look amazing!
That's awesome you're showing now. So much fun. And even better that you can hear the heartbeat. :D You look awesome.
I can't believe how much you are showing already!!! So cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see some BIG baby bump pics!!!!!! Are y'all waiting to find out the sex at birth?! Please don't be one of "those" people.....please..........
I power walked most of the pregnancy and it felt great to do since I couldn't run. I think I will get a fetal doppler the next time around. There were so many times I would freak myself out because I couldn't "feel" him, and finding the heart beat would have been great. And you are looking great!
Haha I love the Taco Bell father comment! That is too funny! It's so exciting that you're starting to show already! :)
Also, I nominated you for an award! :) The post is on my blog:
Congratulations! I've been out of the loop. But this is very exciting news to come back to!
That picture of you and your twin is too funny! Love the caption :D
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