Thoughts: 15 weeks feels good! Really, all I want to do is figure out the gender of this sweet little babe. We could technically go find out today, but we are doing a gender reveal party after Thanksgiving and I highly doubt we would be able to keep it a secret until then. I'll continue to wait!
Baby: Baby is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2.5 ounces. I believe the fruit equivalent is an orange this week. Baby can now sense light and would wiggle away if I shined a flashlight on my belly. Baby's legs are slowly growing longer than his/her arms. If this baby looks anything like me, those legs have quite a bit of growing to do!
Weight: +1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight. I really don't look too much different in the mornings, but the minute I eat something, my stomach gets bigger than it used to. I assume there's not much room for food + baby together! Parker and I both think the fact that I gave up desserts for the month played a large role in the lack of weight gain. You mean not eating ice cream every night will keep me on the smaller side? Interesting.
Symptoms: I'm not as tired as I have been the past couple of weeks, so that's exciting! This past Sunday I was sitting in church and realized I had forgotten to take my prenatal vitamin. I took it when I got home and then failed to eat anything for the next couple of hours. One minute I was walking around just fine, and the next minute I was doubled over on the couch clutching my stomach. It was awful. I know not to take that vitamin on an empty stomach, but man, lesson learned. I was out of commission for a good 3-4 hours and just felt miserable. Funny thing is, I also felt grateful in this moment because it made me realize just how blessed I am to have gotten sick for the first time at 15 weeks, and it was completely preventable and my fault when I did get sick.
Sleep: I get a good 9-10 hours a night and sleep through the night. I have always been a stomach sleeper, so it's still an adjustment not sleeping on my stomach.
Cravings/Aversions/Eating: I still eat a PB&J every day for lunch. Nothing sounds more appetizing when the lunch hour rolls around than that! I am still loving grapes as well and decided to mix it up with green grapes instead of the usual red this week. Yeah, not the same.
Workouts: I am power walking 4-5 times a week and loving it. The weather here has been gorgeous! I ran a slow mile with Parker Saturday and was fine. I tried to run on my own on Monday and stopped after .3 miles. My body just said no, and I heard it loud and clear. I think I am officially done running, and that's okay. Power walking is something I can do all through the pregnancy, so that is exciting.
Clothes: Maternity clothes still aren't necessary, but my sweet friend is letting me borrow all of her old maternity clothes when the time does come. Very excited to not have to buy all that stuff! Still doing the rubber band trick on various pants.
Random: We went to the pumpkin patch this week and talked about how fun it will be to bring our then 6 month old next year. Such a cool thought!

Congratulations!! Around 15 weeks is when it started to get better for me. The time flies for the majority of pregnancy - except for the last couple of weeks!
So great to hear that you're doing well! Just, you know, remember to eat before your vitamins haha
such a cute little baby bump!
You look great!
I never got sick with Crew either. It's such a blessing! Glad you're getting some energy back!
I never got sick with my kids which is nice.
I remember how excited I was to find out the gender. Take is all in becuase it goes so fast Chelsea. Congrats on being 15 weeks! Almost half way mark!
You are so cute! As someone has said, it does go really fast! I can't believe baby girl will be here in about a month! Enjoy these moments dear girl!
Love that wee little bump! I feel you on the being sad about not running thing but we'll be back at it before you know it..with a little cutie in tow! PS: Gender reveal party? I just became really upset that I don't live in Norfolk.
I'm curious to what the rubber band on the pants thing is exactly. You look great and that's great that you're not having problems and aren't sick.
I craved fruit with both my girls- just saying :)
I craved fruit with both my girls- just saying :)
I'm so glad you are feeling good! :)
So glad you are feeling good! It makes such a difference and kudos to you for waiting! We found out right at 15 weeks!
Oh the sweet second trimester! That was the best time for me. You have more energy, you start seeing and feeling the baby, but you aren't super uncomfortable yet. Enjoy this time!
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