I always thought I would find out I was pregnant and tell my husband in an adorable, Pinterest-worthy manner. In the months leading up to finding out we were pregnant, I took several tests when I thought I might have been, but they were always negative. For each of those tests, I strategically took them in the morning after Parker went to work so that if it did have the wonderful plus sign, I'd have all day to put something cute together for Parker. Yep, that's not how it happened.
The week before we found out, I took a test and it was negative. We had been "trying" (I seriously find that term so awkward, and I have no idea why) for several months, so the negative tests were frustrating but for some reason, I always thought it would take us a little longer to get pregnant. I thought it would take a while for my body to get with the program. I ended up flying home that weekend to surprise my sister at her graduation from nursing school and avoided the celebratory margarita just in case I took the previous test too early.
I flew back to Virginia and resumed life on Monday. It was a work day for me, and Parker was off that day, so he was busy working on the new coffee table he built. It was around noon that he started staining the coffee table inside the house, and instantly I noticed how strong those fumes were. Since I was still late, I decided to take another test. I knew that if I was pregnant, all this staining/painting business would need to take place outside. I took the test, set it on the bathroom counter, and went to go check a couple of emails. I returned to the bathroom about 45 seconds later, and there it was. Clear as day, staring right at me, was a positive test. I was pregnant!
I grabbed the test, tripped over the dog gate, and flashed it in Parker's face as I fought back tears. I've never been so shocked in all of my life. I was ecstatic but really just couldn't believe it. Parker's face instantly turned into a huge smile, and we sat down and just stared at that beautiful little pee stick together. We couldn't believe it. We were going to have a baby!
The rest of the day is a blur. We took a walk and talked about how far along we thought we were, when we thought this baby would be due, and just the overwhelming thought that we were going to be parents together. We found out we are pregnant with our first child on August 11, 2014, and it's a day we will remember forever!

That is so sweet. I'm happy for the both of you.
Again, congrats Chelsea! And it's even more special for because you found out on my birthday! Whoop whoop!
So happy for you and Parker! Praying for a happy, healthy pregnancy, mama!
This is so sweet, you are going to be a wonderful Mom! :)
That picture of you two is so perfect-- pure bliss!
Oh, so exciting! I think that's the perfect way to tell your hubby. That way you can both enjoy the newness and excitement of it! Plus, I feel like waiting a whole day would kill me! :)
So sweet! I love the pregnancy updates.
So soo cute! My husband and I had been trying for over a year so after a million times of peeing on the little stick and seeing the negative I didn't really have high hopes and left it on the bathroom counter while I went to the basement to throw in some laundry. Next thing I know my husband wraps his arms around me with his eyes all teared up and the positive test in his hand. haha!
So sweet! That's just awesome!
Honestly, for me, those are the most adorable and perfect ways to find out... In every day real life, just yall!! So happy for you guys!
Thanks to my horrible PCS move, I missed YOUR amazing news!!! So, I'm late, but better late than never!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! So excited for y'all, and this new chapter!!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE! :) :) :)
<3 I still am SO happy for you! I wanted to tell Nate in a creative way too but, as it so happened, I just called him into the bathroom and handed him the test - too shocked to do anything different.
That is so awesome! We are trying right now and I know how it feels to get all those negatives!!
Such a wonderful experience that positive pee stick! The cute announcements are always way overrated. Finding out the joy and then running screaming to your husband is so much better! Congrats you guys! I am so happy for you!
You found out on Ford's first birthday!! I shoved the test in Jon's face the first time too, how do people have the time to come up with the cute stuff ha!
You had me laughing out loud at that "beautiful little pee stick!" So happy for you guys and to follow your pregnancy! Such an exciting and happy time for your family!! :)
Kourtney @ ksmmartin.blogspot.com
So cute! I love your story. It's so exciting!!
How exciting! Congratulations!!
So cute! I also find "trying to have a baby" awkward because you're admitting to having sex. It's one of those things we married folks all do, we just don't talk about, haha.
SO exciting! Don't worry I thrust the pee stick in David's face too haha!
Aw, so beautiful! Love this. :) You guys are so cute together.
I always think I'll do the Pinterest type announcement but I know in all honestly I'm too impatient lol
I love it! I daydream about how I will tell my husband I am pregnant but I am quite sure it will be very similar to how yours happened! I find the term "expecting" awkward too. I mean people probably assume you have sex but when people know you're trying, well then they KNOW you're doin' it! haha at least that's why it is awkward to me! This totally made me tear up, it is was so cute! Congrats again!!
That's such an exciting moment, congrats! And I'm right there with you on the term, "trying". Knowing how I am, I'd be blunt to make things extra uncomfortable and be like yes we're doing what you think we're doing ... *roll my eyes*. Haha
You are right that the saying "We are trying" is super awkward.
HOW did I miss this!? So excited for you! What a blessing! Congrats!
i love this story, and you know what, who cares if you didn't tell him in a "pinterest type way' it is Y'alls way!! :) yay yay yay
and the "we are trying" is always so weird haha
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