If you've been reading this blog long or know me personally, you know I have a twin sister. I've blogged about
switching places and answered some of the
common questions we receive, but today I am excited to take it one step further. I asked my twin sister if she wanted to write a blog post, and she was all over it. I'm so excited because yall, she's hysterical. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Going the Distance: How to Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship
I'm Danielle, Chelsea's twin sister. I like to think of myself as the girl behind the girl behind the blog. Chelsea asked me to write a guest post about something I am passionate about, so my first inclination was, naturally, my dog.
Meet Sully |
Upon further consideration, I decided to write about being in a long distance relationship. When people say they're in a long distance relationship, they typically mean that either their husband or boyfriend is states, countries, or multiple hours away, or that their boyfriend lives 45 minutes away and life is unfair because they only get to spend 23 hours a day together rather than the full 24. I've heard the latter is the most difficult. I am in a different kind of long distance relationship. It's now been a year and a half since Chelsea and I have lived closer than 8 hours away, and this is probably the closest we will live to each other for the next ten to twenty years. You may be thinking that living far away from your sister is completely different and way easier than being away from your significant other, but there are more similarities than you might think.
Similarity number one: Communication is key. We Facetime once or twice a day and talk 4-6 times on average a day. Like other long distance relationships, we talk about meaningful things. It's important to have serious conversations every once and a while so your relationship has substance. Examples include everything you had to eat that day and who you think is going to get voted off Survivor next episode- you know, the important stuff.
Danielle on the left, Chelsea on the right |
Similarity number two: We miss each other terribly, and the people around us have to listen to us talk about the other one. Everybody loves to hear you talk about how amazing your boyfriend or girlfriend is, right? Chelsea is so funny and smart and pretty and kind and loving and generous and friendly and caring and adorable and witty and brave and nice... Interesting, it's just as annoying when you're gushing about your twin as it is your significant other. Dually noted.
Chelsea on the left, Danielle on the right |
Similarity number three: We send each other fruit bouquets just to let the other one know we care... okay, okay, Chelsea sends me fruit bouquets. I send her daily pictures of my fabulously cute dog. Don't think poorly of Chelsea now. It's normal for one member of the relationship to be better at gift giving. It's important to give to one another so we know the other one cares.
Chelsea on the left, Danielle on the right |
In all seriousness, living far away can be really hard sometimes. There are days where we just want to hang out with each other and go to CiCi's (a place of no judgement when we are together) more than anything, but living near each other is not the hand we were dealt. God knew what He was doing when He gave us each other, though. Near or far, we will always be best friends. In twenty years, we may be living in different countries, or we could be next door neighbors. Only time will tell what the future has in store for us. The only certainty we have is that our relationship will definitely go the distance.
Danielle on the left, Chelsea on the right |
This is so sweet! What an awesome relationship you two have, no matter the distance!
Danielle, this was a cute post! Visit Chelsea's blog more often. Love the twin relationship.
- Alex @ Radiating Sunshine
I love when sisters are best friends, my sister and I are close but your bond is so adorable, twins rule.
Danielle, thanks for writing this post! Stop by Chelsea's blog more often... or make your own blog! I would totally read it!
One of my sisters and I have been living 2.5 hours apart for the past 3.5 years, which isn't super far, but still pretty far when you're used to spending every day together. God bless technology like FaceTime! I'm so glad these types of relationships will never be broken.
Time for Danielle to start a blog!!!!! I love that you had your twin take over, Chelsea! This was such a fun read! I could imagine it is sometimes hard leaving so far away. Glad you find ways to be close though!! =)
This is just the sweetest! And your right, your sister is one funny girl! :-)
Awww, so sweet! I know all about living far away from family..it sucks! You have my sympathies! :)
I love this! I am totally in a long distance relationship with my sister too!!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I love this post!!!! :) Great sisters for sure.
You all have a truly beautiful and sacred relationship. Thank you for sharing pieces of it with us!
I'm a totally and utterly bad friend since I can't really tell you two apart. wow............ :(
What a great post!! You guys are such awesome sisters :)
This is so cute! I definitely miss living near my sisters. The three of us live in three different states. The worst was when I was 6 hours behind them (different time zones suck!). I love Skyping with my sister while I make dinner. When we aren't texting, we are talking to each other! Sisters are the best friends you will ever have! :)
Aw, such a sweet post! Love it! Nothing like a sister!
Such a sweet post. What a wonderful relationship the two of you have. I love her sense of humor. :)
Many people don't think that being away from your twin is a long distance relationship. Thanks for the different perspective. Thanks for joining the Thumping Thursday bloghop.
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