It's Friday, and I haven't done a "random confessions" post in a while. So, here we go. I confess...
I am going to miss a lot of things about Corpus Christi. Perhaps the thing I will miss the most are walks along the water with these two yahoos. Love these cuties.
Our neighbors moved out a couple of weeks ago and let me raid their freezer. This is a perk of having your friends move out before you do, but you pay it forward when it's your turn to move. One of the things they gave me was a giant bucket of Neapolitan ice cream. I have set a goal to finish it before we move in 2 weeks so as not to waste a drop. Challenge accepted.
Jack rabbits are fascinating creatures. Have you ever seen a jack rabbit in real life? I am not talking about the adorable little furry bunny rabbits that you keep as pets. Jack rabbits are giant, and boy are they fast! The Corpus Christi Naval Base is covered in them, and I think I'll miss having to restrain Jenny with everything I have every time she sees a jack rabbit. We've let her chase them a couple of times, and she can't come close to catching them. We were shocked considering Jenny's no slow poke. I'm convinced she's part greyhound with how fast she is, but these rabbits are faster. I'll miss seeing them frolicking about.
It's grilling season! Enough said.
This week, my twin sister celebrated her third wedding anniversary with her husband. Crazy to think it's been 3 years since I stood beside her at the altar! That was such a wonderful day that I will treasure forever.
I snap way too many pictures of my dog. As happy as she is, it's a rarity to catch a smile from the most unimpressed pup around. She and I were helping Parker study the other day, and I caught the cutest little pupper smile.
So now it's your turn to smile. Why? Because it's Friday!!

Thanks for sharing your heart.
I would be honored if you would follow my journey
with Huntington's disease.
Awww Jennie!! I have never ever seen a Jack Rabbit in real life. That would be crazy to see! YAY grilling season!!! =D Happy Friday!!
All the pics on my phone are of my dogs. I'm a little obsessed! I am so happy that it is grilling season... finally!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Grilling season is the best!
Grilling season is pretty awesome! I love being able to eat outside.
I'm so happy it's grilling season! Happy MilSpouse Day! PS. Your pup is so cute ;)
I love grilling season!! It is the best!! Your ice cream challenge is hilarious! Love it!
Grillilng season is my fav.
happy 3rd anniversary to your sister
Camp Pendleton is covered with ground squirrels. They were so funny to see when we first moved here, but it is going to be more awkward to never see them again, hahaha!
Good luck devouring your ice cream! We are slowly emptying out our freezer and not replacing things has been so hard for me!
Yay for grilling season. I love it too.
Corpus Christi is a nice area. We usually pass it on our way to the beach.
I love a good puppy smile! The best. Have a great mother's day, I hope Jenny spoils you!
Maybe she's part Vizsla! People are always shocked by how Vino is but when I looked it up, I learned that Vizslas are the second fastest dog. Greyhounds average 42mph and Vizslas are 40mph!
Ahhh Grilling Season!! We've been faking it up here in Alaska for a couple of weeks now. But I think it's finally the real deal :)
PS. I'd snap too many photos of your pup too! ;)
I don't think I've ever seen a jack rabbit before.. the ones we have around here are pretty tiny. We aren't really in barbecuing weather yet, but we are still doing it :D Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Have a great weekend!
I don't think you could ever take too many pictures of your dog.
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