Story time. A few weeks ago, we were taking our 3 year anniversary pictures. Our friend James was sweet enough to take them early for us so it would be one less thing to think about post move. We went out to the docks next to our house to take pictures by the water. We have never included Jenny in our anniversary pictures, so we just let her wander the docks while we snapped a few "lovey-dovey-we-made-it-three-years" pictures.
I'm still scratching my head at what happened, but Parker and I found the sequence of events completely hilarious. You see, Jenny is not a water pup. When we adopted her, they told us she was a lab mix. We were so excited for a dog that would love to swim and fetch, and instead, we got our sweet Jenny. Jenny would rather lick her behind and chase bunny rabbits than swim in the ocean or chase after a tennis ball. I'm not sure what her breed is, but I am fairly confident she isn't a lab based on her polar opposite interests from the breed. Anyway, Parker and I had our backs to Jenny while we were taking pictures and she was looking out into the water. The next thing we knew, we heard a giant splash.
Yes, Jenny the non water dog had decided something was calling to her in the ocean, and she just had to go in. We suspect a fish jumped out of the water and she jumped in to try to catch it, but our backs were turned, so who really knows. She couldn't get back up onto the docks because they were standing too tall over the water. Instead, she needed to figure out how to get to the ramp on the other side. But wait, here came Parker...
Parker decided going into the water was the answer to the problem. Jenny was just dog paddling away trying to figure out how to get back onto land, so Parker thought he would jump in with her to help her somehow. Before I knew it, Parker was in the water too.
Yeah, I wasn't about to follow suit. Logic indicated I could probably just coach Jenny back to the ramp. She's not a dummy, and she knew I was trying to help her. Sure enough, it worked like a charm, and she and Parker both swam back together and got "rescued". I have to admit, I thought it was pretty cute that Parker's daddy instincts kicked in and he just had to go in after the pup. I guess my motherly instincts were in short supply that day, because logic won out and I stayed dry.
Our friend caught the whole thing on camera, and I just find the sequence of events really funny. This is real life over here!
Aaaaand we are in the water. The is the face of a pup who instantly regrets her decision. |
Parker, realizing he wouldn't be able to pull her up while she was struggling, did the only logical thing he could think of... |
Aaaaand he's in the water. Jenny gave me "Are you kidding me?" vibes pretty quickly. |
Time to swim to shore together. The family that swims together stays together. That's how the saying goes, right? |
Oh, there I am, dry as the desert with no regrets whatsoever. |
But first, let me take a picture of my dog as she struggles to get up. Bad mom award. |
Well, now that that's over, put your clothes on and finish taking our anniversary pictures. |
So that's our life. I kind of love it.
Hahahaha! Poor pup!
You are going to look back on these pictures now and laugh forever! So funny!
Kourtney @
Omg stories about Jen always make my day! She's such a goof. Also love that Parker jumped in after her! He just wanted to save her! (P.S. I promise I'll email you back tonight!)
hahaha awww poor puppy!! I'm not going to lie, I kind of laughed a little at her face when she was in the water regretting her decision to jump in. haha! Silly dog! Glad dad jumped in and saved her.
Aww haha this is a cute story.
When you posted the pictures for your 3 year anniversary I was thinking how perfect y'all looked! It's nice to know that real life happens to everybody!
that is absolutely amazing.
I love that parkers instinct was to jump in...and jenny looks so miserable!
Oh mylanta, that is HILARIOUS! So glad your logic kept you dry!!! :) Happy Anniversary!
hahahaha I love this!!!!! Vino hated the water the first year of her life. We were disappointed in how bad of a pointer she was. Then one day in Pensacola, she just ran in and took off swimming after Yadi. And she hasn't looked back since. Now we have two pups that love the water. Most days I love it, except when we're near water and DON'T want them in most of our hikes lol. They love the lake behind our house but I don't enjoy bathing them from the stanky water multiple times a week
Hahahaha! Poor thing!
haha this would SO happen to us! gotta love it!
I think Jenny earned her Lab stripes!
Haha. That's too funny! I love that Parker jumped in to "save" her! :-)
Oh, poor pup! Parker to the rescue!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
We love our pets like they are our kids dont we girl.
That is hilarious. And one of the reasons our dog isn't allowed off leash...she tends to wander. Glad everyone survived! lol.
My Wholesome Home
So funny!!!
Awwww, such a cute story! (I would have stayed dry and let my hubby do the heroics too. Ha, ha). :)
That's so awesome. I think my husband would do the same thing in a heartbeat!
Hahahaha. The only thing missing is a picture of her mid-jump.
This is SO hilarious. I love it!! thanks for sharing :) and glad everyone is A-ok haha
HAHAHAHA! I'm not sure what is funnier: imagining Parker quickly preparing to jump in the water or you just kind of standing there being sure that she would safely swim to shore?! Oh gosh! I'm glad she's ok and that Jimmy was there to properly document the whole ordeal. Also, are we calling him James now? I'm not sure about that!
Oh my goodness - This is hilarious!
That look of regret on Jenny's face is priceless! I always forget how similar our two dogs look. They also share SO many of the same qualities - Bailey isn't a water dog whatsoever.
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