I am doing that Friday happy dance right. this. minute. Thank you Lord for another Friday! Some confessions from the week...
I confess... Parker surprised me with seasons 1 & 2 of Friends, only the greatest show ever made, and we have been watching the oldies but goodies on a nightly basis. He watches Friends with me, and I watch Game of Thrones with him. I know, so not a fair trade.
I confess... I plan our dinners at the beginning of each week so I have an idea of what I am going to cook. Meal planning is harder than actual cooking in my mind. I had bacon wrapped BBQ chicken on the menu one night, and the husband was so excited. That's man food, after all. I then decided to nix that and replace it with hot dogs in crescent rolls. So we ate like 5 year olds, the husband had to wait another day for his man meal, and I was happy as a clam. Marriage.
I confess... I didn't plan on really liking Virginia too much, but I was so wrong. We really love it here. Thanks, Navy! You did it again.
I confess... I took the dogs for a walk yesterday, and they saw a cat. The next series of events was something out of a movie. They both bolt for the feline, and I am literally being dragged by their leashes. I can handle one dog when she sees a cat. Two is a totally different ball game. Eeesh.
I confess... This is the first weekend in a while that we have had no plans. I love it. Right now, nothing sounds better than sleeping in on Saturday morning with nothing to do when I wake up.
I confess... This picture of Jenny makes my heart happy. I just love her so much.
Happy weekend friends!

I'm so with you! Meal planning is harder than actually cooking! We're doing the emeals program right now...so much easier on the meal planning front!
I did meal planning for a whole month when we first moved here because groceries in Massachusetts are just ridiculously expensive. Then I got lazy, and haven't done it since. I really should start again.
BTW, I love the pic of Jenny! She looks so serious.
I am also stealing your "Friday Confessions"...maybe you can make this a link up?
I totally do the same thing with meal planning. Some days are long and HARD and I just don't have the energy to make the nice meal that's printed so perfectly on my calendar.
i am slowly growing my friends collection too! I've found that big lots has them on sale for CHEAPPPPPP :)
I need to get better about meal planning. .."happy as a clam" hahaha bacon wrapped BBQ chicken sounds delicious (but like some dang work!) so I would have done the hotdogs in crescent rolls too haha
jenny is so dang cute!
My college roommates and I used to do meal planning. It was a lot easier when it was three of us planning. I didn't stick with it long after they moved out.
Oh, I totally plan my meals ahead of time, I would go out of my mind if I didn't lol! How would i shop?!
I am all about meal planning. I plan out our meals every Sunday and go grocery shopping on Mondays. It has saved me so much time and money too.
I'm super pumped for a mostly uneventful weekend as well!
I used to plan our every meal. Then there were days I didn't feel motivated enough to make what I had planned. DiGiorno was a savior.
Too bad there aren't pictures of you getting pulled by the dogs. They would have gone perfectly with the photos of Jenny in the water being "rescued" by Parker!
So glad you guys are liking Virginia so much! You need to plan a trip up to DC! Also, sometimes weekends with no plans at all are so nice! I can't think of many gifts that are better than friends on DVD!
I'm with you on the Virginia thing, I wasn't so sure myself but I don't want to ever leave now!
Ugh meal planning is such a hassle, I hate it ha ha.
I just started using Once a Month Meals for my meal planning and it is awesome!
Sounds like a great week. Jenny is such a pretty dog.
I agree with the meal planning. It's a chore.
and the man meal, sounds like my husband!
Jenny is a cutie!
Binge watching friends is the best! Enjoy!
I am always terrified that we'll see a deer, rabbit, piece of trash resembling a furry thing on our walks with the pups. I really like my limbs.
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