There is a blog prompt going around blogland today about what people are passionate about. I really like this. When someone is truly passionate about something, you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. It's different than simply listing out your likes and dislikes. I feel like passions are callings in this life. It got me thinking... what am I passionate about? I can give you a list of all of the things that make me happy (sunshine, dogs, date nights), but there is a difference between liking something and being truly passionate about it.
I came up with four things that I am really passionate about in this life. These four things are what move me, fuel me, and guide me.
1. Jesus. If you've read this blog long, this probably won't come as a huge shock. As I have gotten older, I've truly been able to develop a relationship with Jesus that is uniquely my own. I've learned how to rejoice with praise in the good and pray fervently in the bad. It's been a rocky year for my family, and our faith was shaken and put to the test. There were times where we had a hard time seeing God in the situation, but He always revealed Himself in His timing.
2. My marriage. Growing up, my biggest fear was not finding that person to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted a best friend, someone I could talk freely and openly with, someone who accepted and loved every part of me for who I am. Parker is an answer to prayer and exceeds all of my hopes and dreams as a kid. Marriage takes time and effort, but it's worth every minute of it. My husband is my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.
3. My family. I have become such a homebody. Okay, so that term doesn't really fit at all considering I live 1400+ miles away from my family. What I mean is, I need to talk to my parents multiple times a week. I want to spend every moment of the holidays with our families because I know another goodbye is just around the corner. Those are my people, and I just want more time with them. I am who I am because of the family I was raised in.
4. Kids. Parker and I see kids as the greatest gift. We can't wait to be parents one day. I love this stage we are in right now, but the day when our house is overrun with little feet and big messes will be a welcome one. We always say kids will be our greatest achievement in life. We've also talked a lot about adoption. It's a far off dream, but it's one that's not off the table for us.
So that my friends is what keeps my ticker ticking. What are you passionate about in this life?

I love your list of four! I agree with every single one of them. :)
This is such a great list! 4 incredible things to be passionate about.
This is such a great list! 4 incredible things to be passionate about.
Those are incredible things to be passionate about. I have to say I agree with you.
I love this, it is so wonderful that you are passionate about the things that really matter. :)
Yes yes yes! I love the idea of adoption too! ugh I just love you, friend and all of your passions! :)
I love the things you're passionate about!
I would say those things, plus my job are the things I am most passionate about. My husband, family, God, and one day, kids! Those things just make me feel so warm, safe, and happy!
This is a great list. I love how you kept it simple too.
I'm another one who lives thousands of miles away from anyone I'm related to....but is also very close to her family. Hey, it makes the infrequent visits all the more precious, doesn't it?
Chelsea, I have learned so much about you as I read your blogs and love and respect you more each day for who and what you are. None of the passions surprised me as that is the way you live your life - based on those passions. Besides my passion for reading and living God's word I would say that family, my previous work, and helping others are my other passions.
Such a great list! I like that you mentioned adoption, we don't have any kids yet, but I really want to adopt. We've talked about it a little bit here and there, but it's definitely not off the table for us either.
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