I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love we have received this week. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community and am so thankful for such a strong support system to get Parker and I though this journey. Thank you for all of the love and prayers. It means more than you know!
I want to continue doing bumpdates for the duration of this pregnancy and will savor each new one I get to write. I can't believe we are already to 18 weeks!
Thoughts: This week we found out our baby has triploidy, so it has been without a doubt the hardest week of our lives. We have been so overwhelmed by how much love we have received and how many people already love our baby. Through the awful news we received, we also found out some joyful news. I am carrying a baby girl!! We chose the name Taylor Grace for her and just love getting to talk about her and pray for her by name. I will write a post next week on her name story.
Baby: The fruit and veggie comparisons aren't very accurate for us because our little girl is a lot smaller than most babies her age. I believe the genetic counselor told us she is around 5 ounces right now.
Weight: The home scale has officially stopped working. Maybe it's a sign. They didn't weigh me at my last appointment since they were really just concerned about the baby. I would guess I am up 5-8 pounds. The bump looks much bigger after I have eaten. It's not much to write home about first thing in the morning, but it sure does grow after a decent meal!
Symptoms: Physically, I am feeling just fine. I have a nice case of pregnancy brain every now and then, but that's the only thing I can think of.
Sleep: I don't think I would be sleeping well at all if I were by myself. As hard as this journey we are on is, we are so thankful we are going through it while Parker is home and not deployed. I can't imagine doing this without him here. Having him here makes it much easier to go to sleep because I am not as likely to stay up and let my mind go crazy. I am still sleeping through the night unless I have to make a quick pit stop to the ladies room.
Cravings/Aversions/Eating: Still loving PB&J's. What else is new?
Workouts: The sub-chorionic bleed is gone, so that is a praise! That is the whole reason we did the ultrasound that made us realize the baby was small in the first place, so I wonder if God placed that there so the doctors would give me the unscheduled ultrasound. I don't know, but I am very thankful that it is cleared up. I can now work-out, so I am power walking a few miles here and there and doing weights with Parker. Nothing too big, but it feels great to move again. I had an amniocentesis at the beginning of the week (essentially, they stuck a long needle in my belly), and I was basically on bed rest for 24 hours after that. Other than that, I have enjoyed being active.
Clothes: Parker and I agree that my belly really hasn't changed sizes much in the last couple of weeks, so all of my clothes still fit pretty well. I just have a nice round tummy protruding from some of my shirts ;)
Random: We officially switched doctors' offices and will see the high risk OB for the remainder of this pregnancy. They seem to be a very competent team, and we feel really good about being in their care. Regardless of how much longer I am able to carry our little girl, I will have to go into labor and deliver her since I am this far along. I see this as a blessing, and I am thankful that we are surrounded by a team of doctors who have done their very best to prep us for what to expect.

Sending all of my positive thoughts your way.
The prayers from Florida continue. We love all 3 (Oops. I mean 5 with the 2 furred ones)of you. Love, Grandma Pat & Grandpa Har
I'm so glad you are going to continue documenting your journey! I've been praying for you guys constantly, and I can't wait to hear her name story next week! :)
What a treasure you will have to look back on all of these documented bump dates! I just love them! Continued prayers for you, Parker, and Taylor Grace. What a beautiful, beautiful name! Looking forward to that story next week :). And I'm so glad that y'all have a competent team supporting y'all and helping to prepare for what is to come. What a blessing.
I'm so glad you're feeling well and sleeping! And I agree, it would be a million times worse if Parker was deployed so this is the first time I could hug the Navy if it was an actual thing. Things work out the way they do for a reason and I could not be happier that he's there by your side through all of this. I'm sending all of my hugs and prayers to you, Parker and sweet Taylor. Love you all! xoxo
Sending lots of love and prayers your way!
Sending my thoughts and prayers!
I'm praying for you, Parker, and your baby girl! May God be with you all!
Prayers and hugs to all of you!
As you are well aware.. I'm not around much anymore. I'm at a loss for words and can't stop sobbing. I'm here for you in any and every way. Your faith and grace with guide you through these times.
Sending you prayers from North Carolina. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Please take care of yourself.
I'm happy you're still doing those updates :) I'm praying so hard for you, Parker, and precious Taylor Grace (loooooove the name!!)
You can see the bump! Good doctors really do make all the difference. I am praying for y'all.
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