Do you ever have those moments where you sort of have an out of body experience and can't remember how or why you did something? There are times where I am scratching my head trying to figure out how I got myself into a situation. I used to pride myself on being so organized and timely with my life. I don't know what happened because now, I would lose my head if it weren't attached. I am the person who is frantically searching for her phone while she is talking on it. On that note, here's a story.
A couple of weeks ago, I drove to the commissary for a quick grocery run on my lunch break. I live on the Naval base, so it's about a 2 minute drive. I got to the grocery store, did my shopping, and went to check out. I reached for my keys as I was getting ready to walk back to my car, and they were nowhere to be found.
Great, when I can't find my keys when I am out, there is only one place they could be. At that point I knew I had locked my keys in my car. I was annoyed, but ultimately I could call roadside assistance and they would be there within the hour.
I walked outside to my car to see my expectation was indeed the reality. I locked my keys in my car. Annoying, but not the end of the world. But wait? Why was my car subtly vibrating? Oh my gosh...
Yes. I locked my keys in the car while. it. was. running. How in the world does that even happen? So I sat next to my locked, running car with my groceries at my feet and tried to figure out how I was going to get myself out of this one. This was the thought process:
Seriously Chelsea, how did you even do this?
I better stay next to my car so someone doesn't try to steal it. Oh wait, they can't. It's locked.
Shoot, I bought milk at the store that's going to spoil. That's $2 we'll never see again.
Speaking of money down the drain, so glad I recently filled my car up with gas. More money down the drain.
After a series of illogical thoughts, it finally occurred to me to call my husband. Thank you Lord that he was on his lunch break. He rushed home, found the spare key, and came to save the day. He of course wouldn't put me out of my misery and unlock the car until he snapped a picture and got an explanation of how I could have let this happen. Husband, I have no idea. You picked a real winner, obviously.
So that's my life in a nutshell. I wish I could say this is the only time I have ever been so careless, but that would be an utter lie. One day, I will learn to pay attention. How does one lock their keys in their car while it's running? I have absolutely no idea, but apparently, it's possible.

haha that sounds like something i would do! Glad he was able to come to your rescue
Oh wow thats hilarious!! I had no idea you could do that. should I say well done haha ;)
haha I can totally relate as I've done that.. TWICE! I'm a ditz what can I say? My parents were not so happy though when they had to drive across town to bring me the spare keys!
I do stuff like this ALL the time.
One time one of my friends told me that she and her husband accidentally left the car running when they were at the airport. As in… they left it parked there for like 10+ days while on vacation and when they returned, it was completely dead - well, more like completely run out of gas! They were so embarrassed when they had to call for the airport courtesy people to bring them GAS! It happens to the best of us!! :)
Haha you are not alone! I did that when we lived in NC. Lol. It's so embarrassing at first but something you can laugh at later. :)
Hahah. Oops!
definitely done that before hahah thankfully he was able to come get you back in!!
Aww, haha, I'm glad your husband was able to get you back into your car quickly! I've never done that, but I wouldn't put it past me.
I locked my keys in the car once-- thankfully it wasn't running, but my first response was to call my dad-- who lives like 11 hours away! haha
So glad your husband could come unlock the car for you! Hope you got your milk home in time :)
Hahahaa! You, my friend, are a winner. I'd like to say something similar to this has never happened to me but I would be lying. We're winners, what can I say!
OMG. I'm sorry, I'm laughing with you right? this cracked me up. Glad your hubby could rescue you :)
You sound just like me!
Last weekend we went to St.George to eat at Cracker Barrel, which is my all time favorite restaurant and I was so excited to get inside... I left my keys in the ignition! Luckily I didn't lock the car! We were 160 miles away from home with no spare key!
ha! My car won't let me put it into park with the keys in the ignition. And trust me I've tried!
Ugh I hate when that happens! Luckily my car now doesn't unlock until I take the keys out of the ignition.
Haha. Oh goodness, this is what I'm absolutely terrified of doing! Nate would never let me live it down. ;-)
Oh no, this is the worst Chelsea!! I have done this many times including with my keys in the ignition and the car running :/
Honestly, this is so funny! (Not to be rude, but it's fun to be able to laugh at yourself!) How does that happen? But, I feel for you. A few times I've had to rescue my husband because he locked his keys in his truck at work, so I know a bit of what that feels like! Hope your food didn't spoil! Have a great week!
I could so see my daughter doing this!!!
I have a bad habit of leaving my headlights on! I've had to be jumped at least three times with many more "almost killed the battery" stories. That reminds me, I need to get a set of spare keys for my car to give to my mom!
So glad Parker could get there quickly! I have a similar funny story about being locked out of the car.
Don't feel bad, I've done the same thing with my old Honda. I still don't know how I locked my car with the keys in it.. all my locks were manual!
I've also locked my keys in my car three times in one week when I had my Chevy. I must be scatterbrained ha ha!
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