I was inspired by Amanda to write a post about 5 things I'm not so wonderful at. We like to show the bright and sunshiny part of ourselves on the blog, but I think it's important to show the not so glamorous as well. In an effort to make this post as honest as possible, I had Parker contribute the things he deems me to be not so great at. It's quite the self-esteem booster when your husband comes up with said attributes almost immediately. We'll just side-step that fact. He came up with numbers 4 and 5, and I'd be offended if he weren't so spot on. So, here we go.
1. Banana Pudding
I consider myself to be a fairly good cook. I'm comfortable with most methods of cooking and love to mix it up and try new things. That said, I never, ever, ever... ever can get the consistency of banana pudding right. I've gotten it right a total of two times. Actually, maybe only once. The time I got it right for this recipe is the only success I can recall. I have no idea why it's so hard, but it is always too thin and runny for a pudding consistency. I've all but given up. So frustrating.
2. Twitter
I got a Twitter for the blog. I log on once a day to post my blog post of the day then immediately go to a different website. Perhaps it's because I genuinely don't see the point of Twitter, but I am as bad at tweeting and reading the feed as they come. I'm sorry if I follow you on Twitter and never "favorite" or "retweet" your content. It's not you. It's me.
3. Video Games
I have said this before, but I just do not get video games. At all. I don't have any brothers, so true video gaming was a foreign concept before I got married. I loved playing Mario Kart and Mario Party just as much as the next girl, but I have been hastily informed that those are not real games. Last Saturday, Parker asked if I would play with him. Portal 2 was the game. I half-heartedly agreed because I love to make the guy happy, and he finally let me quit after 30 minutes of running around in a circle asking what to do next. There are a lot of things I am bad at that I wish I were good at. This is not one of them.
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Pardon the awesome tan lines. I'll be sharing my remedy for that tomorrow on the blog, so stay tuned. Also, I didn't realize it was that bad until I saw this picture, so there's that. |
4. Keeping Up With People
I so wish I were better at this. We have had to say goodbye to a lot of friends. Friends from high school, friends from college, friends from past duty stations... we are well versed in the goodbyes. I miss these people terribly, but I am so bad at keeping up with most of them. I'm not one of those people who picks up the phone to call, but it doesn't mean I am not thinking about them! If only I could telepathically communicate my feelings instead of telephonically. (I understand that I 100% made this term up, but you get it.)
5. Cleaning
As mentioned above, this was one of Parker's additions to the list. Hearing it was like receiving a giant hug, let me tell you. He's right though. He coined a term called "Chelsea Cleaning" shortly after we got married, and it's where I pick something up off of the floor and simply move it to another spot on the floor. I think it's worth noting that there is a difference between dirty and messy. I'm not a super dirty person, but I am a little messy. I'd love to be cleaner, but I don't really see an immediate change in the near future if I'm being completely honest with myself.
So there you have it. Yes, there are way more than 5 things that could have made this list, but any more would have made this post a bit of a downer. What is something you're bad at?

I think the older we get the harder it is to really keep in touch with people which is sad because it's so much harder to make new friends later in life! I think it's all different schedules and time zones and all the other things that contribute to trying to stay in touch! I haven't had banana pudding since I was really little and my grandma would make it for us-- I used to LOVE it!
THANK THE LORD I'm not the only one that isn't in love with Twitter. I have an account but I'm never on it..I feel like I should better at it though from a networking stand point but I'm just not feelin' it!
I don't dig twitter, either! I too have one for the blog, but I just can't get into it. I don't get it. Also, banana pudding is HARD! Don't beat yourself up about it :).
And your method of cleaning is also my method...it works like a charm! Haha.
I don't particularly care for twitter either.
Oh my gosh, when I read the title of your post, I immediately thought "well my #1 would be cleaning!" I'm so glad I'm not alone. I'm really not dirty and I LIKE for my house to be clean, I'm just bad at actually doing it. Thankfully, Chris is great at cleaning and getting rid of the clutter! I feel like cleaning it always on my to do list!
I don't get video games either. Haha yes, Mario Kart and Mario Party were the only games I played! (And Animal Crossing.)
The fact that banana pudding was the first thing on this list seriously just made my day.
I'm with you on the Twitter thing. I have one for the blog and rarely use it. Not even the slightest bit. And video games.... forget it. I try to humor Scott sometimes and play... I think he loves that he can always win. Haha =)
mmm banana pudding (also whenever i spell banana i sing the song "b-a-n-a-n-a-s" by good ol' gwen! ;)
i have yet to try to make it, but i will one day!
and this is a fun list...i totally might copy it one day ;)
Love this post idea. My husband would agree that I suck at cleaning. I think it's because I only superficially clean and that just doesn't hold long enough! And twitter is lame - I have it for my blog too but never use it!
I'm not good with twitter either.
I'm horrible at video games because my parents never let me play them as kids...one time I went to my boyfriend's house and tried to play Wii with his family and I was mortified by how terrible I was at it!
I am TERRIBLE at video games and cleaning!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I think sometimes it takes both parties. I refuse to be all the effort in keeping up with people. If I can put effort in then anyone can. Right.
i'm bad at video games. and cleaning ugh.......
Ok yep I'm definitely guilty of 'Chelsea cleaning' (and my hubs also pointed that out while reading this post over my shoulder). It's always on my to-do list but somehow Zach is always the one who does it. And video games are just not my thing!
I'm horrible at video games too. It frustrates my husband to no end. He wishes I could play with him but it's a no good. It's far too stressful and I have no coordination!
Hahaha, I'm with you on #5 for sure! I HATE cleaning, and I'm terrible at it. I just really don't want to do it... ever.
I am not the cook either.
Haha I was the same way about Twitter at first, and can still be totally aloof on there. But for the most part I think I kinda got the hang of it, plus I like using it as my "outlet" when I don't feel like blowing up my FB news feed :-P
I'm also not good with twitter. But I completely understand the communication part! I try to make an effort to keep up with friends but usually feel like I'm bothering them when I try to chat.
Tom and I have decided that we are going to get a housekeeper once we move because both of us are horrible at cleaning. It is an expense we are willing to budget for!
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