In the past 3 weekends, Parker, Jenny, and I have spent 28 hours in the car together. That's a lot of car time. I wrote a post in December about
how to survive holiday road trips without punching your significant other in the face, and those tips can absolutely be applied year round as well. Parker genuinely is my best friend, and we love quality time together, but at a certain point, you just want out of the car and fast.
We did play our favorite car game quite a bit, which consists of one person thinking of someone you both know and the other asking yes/no questions until they figure it out. However, once I chose my sister's dog and Parker decided that wasn't playing by the rules, that game was done. When I chose our nephew pup, it was at least in the ball park of being an acceptable answer. When he chose a water bottle as the someone we both know, the game was over as we knew it.
So, once we proved to be too immature for the car games, we turned to an unlikely source for entertainment. Parker brought his GoPro along for the ride during this last trip, and the car ride suddenly reached a new level of awesome. Who knew the GoPro was so entertaining? We set it to snap pictures of us every 30 seconds to see if it caught anything funny, and we had a great time posing for the "camera". This must be what celebrities feel like, no?
Excuse the pillows. Back problems = ride in the car with pillows. High maintenance, party of one.
This is Parker's nervous face because I'm behind the wheel. Jenny clearly isn't bothered by it. Girl power. |
Butttt we switched drivers anyway. Fine by me! |
Danger |
I guess I was boring him. I've always thought of it as a treat to get to listen to me talk to my twin sister on the phone. |
So much happiness. Why? Because we are finally stopping for dinner. Aka, the best part of the road trip is upon us! |
Excuse the face, but this is the cost of getting to be the passenger. You have to feed the driver. Jenny's got her eye on the prize. |
I wanted Taco Bell. |
Well, that was fun :) |
So clearly, we've lost it. These are desperate times, people.
How do you stay sane on the road?
Oh my gosh - you guys are hilarious! These were so funny! How fun that you guys make what could be a boring road trip a little fun!
Kourtney @
This is so awesome! You guys look like you are having so much fun!
You'll miss those Whataburger trips when you get up in VA... ah the Texan life..
So awesome that you have these!
hahahaha! I love it! What a great idea. I love having documentation of everyday life like this, I just think that someday you'll look back on this and be so happy to have these crazy pictures :)
Hahaha, this is priceless. I too drive with a pillow behind me when taking long trips so this made me so happy to see!! Haha =) #grandmastatus
By the way, since your moving to Virginia, you'll be a little closer to me! And I've always wanted to go visit VA beach again. Such an awesome place. =D
How could you EVER want Taco Bell when Whataburger is an option?! Geez I miss Texas...
hahaha this is awesome! if i tried to feed the driver, i would eat his food as well!
Hahaha this is awesome!
Hilarious! I loved it. So glad you guys know how to have fun!
You guys are toooo cute! Your unamused face made me laugh. I love how Jenny is just looking at your food, waiting for you guys to share with her :)
HAHAHAHAHA, I genuinely laughed out loud! This is an awesome idea!! You guys are hilarious!
This is priceless! I literally laughed out loud at the "Danger" pose. What a fun way to capture your adventure :)
I love all these photos! Looks like y'all had a blast. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who takes tons of pictures!!
My husband wants a Go Pro for our anniversary. After seeing this post, I've decided it's a must have! lol.
Hahaha! I like the progression of the center console...empty, M&M's, M&M's and Almond Joy and then Whataburger for the win! Also, Jenny is like "I can haz cheezburger!".
PS: Do you HATE how the passenger side in the CRV doesn't have an arm rest? It drives me nuts and I constantly ask Ryan if we can send it back to the manufacturer. High maintenance party of 2 apparently.
Ha this is pretty funny :) 28 hours is no bueno. Book on tape would be my route!
HAHA these are too good for words!! Hours in the car always get us all on edge too, he hates the way up drive through long island, but refuses to drive himself, and I can't stand his city driving. We pretty much want to kill each other after a trip, but I never thought to take pictures of the progression to crazy town!!
This is a brilliant idea! Such great photos you got!!
That is awesome! Y'all are too funny.
Haha this is so cute! I love Jenny always poking her head through! Before we moved closer to home my bf and I (and our two pups) used to spend a lot of car time, too!
Kallie @ But First, Coffee
Oh my gosh! I'm finally getting caught up and I LOVE this post! So funny! Good one! The pictures are so funny and entertaining!
These pictures are so much fun! Makes me want a GoPro. Y'all are absolutely adorable.
I am an avid Snapchatter while driving. Terribly unsafe, but at least it keeps me from falling asleep!
So funny! I've heard about the GoPro from quite a few people lately and really need to look into it! Such a neat idea to take pictures during a road trip that way! I've seen it on headbands too , perfect for something like ziplining!
soooo cute!
I have spent some time this morning reading your blog (stalking!:)) and love this post! My husband is in the Air Force and we spend a ton of time in the car driving from Michigan back home to Alabama to see family. I think we need to get a GoPro and try this! lol. I think it would be a lot of him screaming at other drivers and me sleeping!
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