There are times where life feels like it's in overdrive, and all I want to do is go to sleep so I don't have to think about it all. Now just feels like one of those times. Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful time in our lives. So many exciting things are happening, and we couldn't feel more blessed. We moved to Virginia, found the perfect little house to call home, and Parker is officially through with flight school. We are popping the champagne bottles and loving this season of our lives.
Coming off of the winging ceremony and then driving to Virginia a couple of days later, Parker and I were on such a high. Everything seemed so easy and perfect, and I felt on top of everything that was thrown my way. And then, life happened. Nothing bad happened, but life happened. We found out Parker would be the only aviator of his friends and classmates to report for duty immediately, which zapped our hopes of taking a little vacation for our anniversary. We found out Parker is going to fly the E-2D, and we couldn't be more excited. This seems like the perfect plane for Parker, and I feel like God has us right where he wants us. With this plane selection, we also found out that we have two options after our year in Virginia: We stay in Virginia, or we go to Japan. Our long time hopes of getting stationed in San Diego were slashed, and we suddenly have a 50/50 shot of going somewhere I never, ever planned: Japan.
Everyone that goes to Japan absolutely loves it. I have never talked to a military spouse who spent time in Japan that did not adore her time there. So many military couples dream of going to Japan, but I never have. Japan would mean giving up my job, saying goodbye to our families, and likely having our first child overseas. It would be a wonderful adventure, but it isn't one that I have ever wanted to experience, at least not right now.
It's also started to sink in that Parker could deploy as soon as a year from now. I'm not naive. I know the military life comes with deployments, but they've never felt imminent like they do right now. Suddenly, I miss the safety net that flight school offered. It may not have been easy, but it meant falling asleep next to my husband every night. I'll take it.
The thing is, God has never abandoned us, and I have never felt like we were in a place God didn't want us to be in. He has so carefully orchestrated and planned our lives to be so much greater than we could ever dream of. If we end up in Japan, it just means God's plans are bigger than my own. If we end up in Japan, it will be a wonderful adventure. If Parker deploys sooner than later, we are strong enough to handle it. If our first child is born overseas, that baby is going to have one heck of a cool story. Life is happening, we can't stop it, and I don't want to. I find myself saying the same phrase I have every time life has thrown us for a curve and placed us somewhere we didn't expect.
Lord, not our will, but Yours.

I hear ya girl! You have the perfect attitude for it though, and you're the type of person that will thrive wherever you end up, even if it's Japan! We're in limbo right now too while Steve is in school, and we're hoping and praying to go back to NC where we came from... but if we don't it's going to mean some serious changes for us (Japan being one of them)! I'm trying my very best to not stress about the fact that I can't put our next two years planned out on my calendar, and for me I'm doing a surprisingly good job. I truly wish you guys the very best good luck to you starting out in Virginia!
Kourtney @
Your attitude is great! We are the same way wherever they want us to go is where we will go. :)
You have such a wonderful attitude about all of the military curve balls!
I was in this same place 3 years ago when I got out of the Marines. I had been stationed on opposite sides of the country from my husband for nearly a year with my daughter. I shoulda been so happy to finally have a joint life together but it was in Boston...somewhere I never expected to go. Then my husband has been constantly gone our entire time here, but God opened up some pretty amazing doors for us after 2 years here...we hit a kt of lows as a family and as a couple, and we eventually finally stopped fighting God and gave it all to Him. It will work! You're right..His will...not yours
That is a lot of news to swallow! Wow! Those are definitely some curve balls, but I admire your attitude about it. I truly aspire to be more like women like yourself. You are an inspiration to me. This post made me smile. :)
I definitely am feeling this uneasiness as well. Its hard to be away from family, especially when a little one is coming your way. And when your only options for duty station are 2 you aren't crazy about…it really bums you out. I struggle daily to have a good attitude and trust that God completely has this under control. HE KNOWS where we will be in a year. HE KNOWS what circumstances are heading our way. We have to just wake up every morning and be intentional about letting go. I feel your pain over here! Saying a prayer for you (and myself) this morning!!
With military life, the only constant is change. It sounds like you have the right attitude to handle it, though!
Japan is scary right now because it's unexpected and new. Let it sink in a bit before you really decide how you feel about it!
I have a friend who had to move with her 1 year old daughter to China for her husband's job. They ended up also having another child while they are over there. Yes, it's far from "home" and family, but they love it so much! It offers so many different experiences for them. They also travel quite a bit over there, something that wouldn't really be possible if they lived in the US full time.
So just breathe for now and hang in there! God has a great plan for you two!
Thank you so much for sharing Chelsea where you are at and how you are trusting God. My husband and I have a new adventure of our own first with the baby coming and then us moving away from family. The moving away part is not ideal but thank you for pointing out that God never has abandoned us, I believe that. I also believe that He puts us where He wants us. In the moment it's hard to see but He really does write a great story!
Oh and I heard Japan is AMAZING! I have some good friends there who took their two kids and adopted a baby there :)
Oh girl I would imagine this would throw you for a loop. You guys seem to take everything in stride so I hope whatever plan that get's laid out for you - is meant for you. Japan would probably be something you can look back on down the road and thing "how awesome we got to live there for a little while!"
You have such a positive outlook on it. I'm so happy that he got the plane he wanted. I love hearing all about his adventures.
the positive outlook is what gets you thru as a military wife.
Your faith in Jesus has always inspired me to have a more positive attitude towards life. I thank you for it. Life is an adventure but knowing God has it all figured out is such a calming peace. You're in my prayers. <3
This is a beautiful post! I find myself so many times trying to plan out my life and my days. I have to stop and remind myself that regardless of all my planning, the Lord already has a Master Plan in place!
Thinking of you and praying for you!!! God has you in the palm of his hands.
I would love to go visit you in Japan! However, I will pray that God continues to place you wherever it is best for your little family. Lots of love from Colorado where I am visiting my sister and her fsmily, Grandma Pat
I totally understand your feelings. We had a good chance of going to Japan this winter, but luckily got Florida instead. Japan would be fine to visit once but I would never want to live there. It wouldn't be for me either and that's ok! I really hope everything works out for you guys!
That is the perfect attitude. Accept the things that you cannot change, and have faith that you will have the strength to get through it. As much of a planner as I am, my life has not gone AT ALL as I have planned lol.
your faith will see you thru whatever you need.
I would love to visit Japan but not sure about living there
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