This time of year always has me feeling so nostalgic. Pool parties are coming to an end, back to school shopping is in full swing, and brand new 18 year olds are headed to complete the most amazing four years of their lives. College. It's just awesome.
I just jumped on the bandwagon and downloaded the Timehop app (for my daily dose of nostalgia, of course), and I have been flooded with pictures of my old dorm room and sorority recruitment over the past few days. Take me back! I lived in the dorms freshman year, the sorority house sophomore and junior year, and an apartment with friends senior year. Each one was an awesome experience that I would love to relive in a heartbeat. The late nights with friends, ice cream binges in the sorority house while 25 of us gathered to watch The Bachelor each Monday, and sneaking in a lunch date on campus with my now husband... that's the stuff that made college for me. That's the stuff I miss so much.
I'd say the thing I miss the most about college is living in the sorority house. I was a Delta Gamma along with my twin sister, and we met our best friends in that sorority. Call me crazy, but living with 50 girls under one roof was a total blast. Because no nostalgic college rant is complete without a few throwbacks...
So that's the part of college that I miss more than anything: the social part. The part I don't miss? The studying. Graduating and officially being done with studying for finals and cramming for quizzes was the best feeling ever. Finals week about made my hair go gray every time it reared its ugly head. Eeesh.
The other part I don't miss? Paying for textbooks. As silly as it sounds, this was one of the most annoying parts in my opinion. The textbooks were extremely expensive, and half of the time, the professor wouldn't really even use it. I hated that I would foot the bill for a textbook and be unable to sell it back at the end of the semester because classes were "no longer using that edition". I would pay $150+ for a book and get $5 back. Pretty frustrating. I wish I would have known how much renting my textbooks could have saved me over the years!
For anyone going off to college this year, I encourage you to check out Campus Book Rentals! You could save 80% when you rent instead of buy! A few quick advantages to renting:
For anyone going off to college this year, I encourage you to check out Campus Book Rentals! You could save 80% when you rent instead of buy! A few quick advantages to renting:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
-they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
After you are done with your book for the semester, you can also participate in Rentback to earn up to 4x more money! The Campus Book Rentals team will rent your book to another student, and then another, and then another, and each time it gets rented, you get paid. Check it out, college goers.
I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own.
What do you miss most about the college days?

I agree..I always get nostalgic in August, but I really do love post-college life.
ohh i loved my sorority sisters too! college was sooo much fun with themed parties and less responsibility. i miss living near my best friends but I love not having to study for finals! xo jillian - stop by, im hosting a great giveawaycornflake dreams
I would love to go back to college and do all of the fun stuff with my friends. And maybe live in a nice house instead of an apartment or our on-campus sorority house.
These are great memories to have! I did one semester in college right after HS and I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I think that is why I waited so long to go back.
I was just telling my husband last night how I missed college life.... but you are right, I definitely don't miss the studying and stressing part. I was President of the Drama Club so I got to be very social with everyone and now I'm a stay at home mom so life is very different. haha!
i DEFINITELY miss some of my college life. i had some of the best times, memories, and good ol' fashioned fun during those 4 years. being a youth ministry major made a lot of late nights full of games and deep conversation. <3
i loved reading all of your fun experiences!!
Ahhhh College Station, take me back! I miss that little town so much and I'm with you, definitely miss the social aspect and definitely don't miss the school part.
Midnight Yell, Saturday game days, "studying" in Evans, Boot Dance, going back to the Corps dorms after the games before heading to Cheddar's or somewhere of the like for dinner. Ahhhhh I'm just going to go cry now!
I miss college so much it makes me sick!! I wish I had done cool stuff like join a sorority and study abroad (and hang out with friends more.) I'd take the studying over working 8-5 every day!
I am with you! I miss my roommates and all the girl time but you couldn't pay me to go to grad school and study and write papers and blah blah blah all over again...
alsom think it's time I jump on that timhop bandwagon myself...
I miss being able to see my best friends every day! Now they literally live all over the world, so it's somewhat difficult to catch up with them. Sometimes I even miss the learning, but I'll agree with you on the not missing the prices of text books!
Don't miss the studying but definitely miss the social side of college! Although I think even if I tried to go back, I doubt I could keep up anymore haha
Timehop was the best-worst thing I ever downloaded!
This past month has been filled with old sorority recruitment pictures - and just old college pics in general! It's giving me crazy nostalgia as well!!
I'm with you on missing the social part of college, there was always a party to go to and friends to hang out with. I even somewhat miss the classes... yeah I'm weird like that. I don't think I would want to go back though, as good as life was then it has only gotten better since. (even though I still sometimes find myself missing college every now and again)
I was just thinking about how amazing college was when I saw all the bid day pictures pop up on Facebook. Those seriously were the best 4 years!
Spending time with the chemistry fraternity is definitely what I miss the most about college as well. We used to have so much fun going to the only bar in town.
Looks like a blast. I didn't go to college and sure wish I had sometimes. I keep preaching to my daughter that she needs to experience college life. I hope she listens.
love this! ready for the CPC blog post now... :)
I recently got the Timehop app as well, and it's been so much fun seeing old photos from the same time of year in year's past! :)
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