Today, Parker and I celebrate 4 years since we did this...
It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since that magical day. It seems like so much life has happened since those two doe-eyed 22 year olds said "I do". This past year has easily been the most challenging yet rewarding year of marriage so far. This was the year that changed our lives forever when we found out we were pregnant with our first baby. Obviously losing Taylor Grace rocked our world, and it introduced a new dynamic into our relationship that we had never encountered before: grief. We had no idea what we were in for, and before this journey with Taylor, we really had no idea how the other handled grief. We quickly had to learn, and realizing that we were going to grieve differently was not something that happened overnight.

Looking back on this past year, I am so proud of us. I wouldn't change anything we did, and I think we felt God working in our marriage and in our lives more this year than we ever had before. I think we handled all of this in the best way we knew how, and now more than ever, I feel like we can take anything life throws our way.
Of course, there were so many happy times too! This year, we bought a house, fell in love with our Darla girl, continued to obsess over that Jen pup we love so much, spent a weekend in Annapolis, found out we were pregnant, and found out Parker would be flying that C-2 plane that he's so obsessed with.
Year 4 was so filled with blessings, and I can't wait to see what year 5 has in store. 4 years down, forever to go. "And I thought I loved you then..."
Happy anniversary! I hope you guys have an awesome weekend celebrating!
Aww! Happy anniversary yall!!!
Happy 4 years!!! You looked so gorgeous on your wedding day!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Happy Anniversary, wishing you a special day! :)
Happy anniversary!! I think the challenges only make you stronger and help you grow as individuals and as a couple. Congrats :-)
Happy anniversary!!
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! May it be a very memorable one!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!! :) This is literally the 5th or 6th post I've seen today on anniversaries. Whether it's a military anniversary, a wedding, or a blogging anniversary, it seems like everyone is celebrating today :) I wish you both the best!
Happy anniversary - anniversary twin :-D
<3 Happy anniversary!!!
Happy anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! We also got married at 22, and I wouldn't change it for the world either :)
Happy belated anniversary! What a year it's been for you two... You guys are so cute!
I love your little graphic, what a fun way to reflect on the year. Happy four!
Happy four years! That's awesome! I bet this year will be filled with even more adventures! :)
Happy anniversary! Here's to hoping year 5 is the best one yet!
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