Spontaneity seems like a really attractive quality in a person. I feel like when people describe their ideal mate, "someone who's spontaneous" is always a qualifier. I used to pride myself on being spontaneous and adventurous. Yeah, that was a lie. Adventurous? Kind of. Spontaneous? Nope. I'm about as spontaneous as Jenny is, which given the fact that she thrives on a schedule and expects certain things to happen at certain times (her biological clock is impeccable), that's not something to write home about.
I've finally admitted to myself that I am one of the least spontaneous people around, and that's okay with me. I like to plan, I like to have a schedule, I like the structure. I know, lucky Parker, right? I sound like a ball of fun over here. Parker is fairly spontaneous so we balance each other out really well. I want to know what our Friday night plans are the Monday before, and he's okay with texting someone at 5:55 to see if they want to meet for dinner at 6:00. Gosh, a planner's nightmare.
This weekend we planned to lay low and just hang out. We had a squadron dinner Friday night which was tons of fun because most of our friends are in the same squadron, but Saturday was wide open. So when our sweet friends Robert and Julie asked if we wanted to make an impromptu trip to San Antonio on Saturday, my natural inclination was to immediately turn it down because this wasn't planned, darn it. But, Parker and I both knew it would be a fun time with fun people and if we I could get past the fact that it wasn't on the calendar 3 weeks in advance, we just might survive.
So we did, indeed, make a day trip to San Antonio on Saturday. I feel like it would be natural for applause to follow that last sentence. After all, we just up and left the homeland for an undecided period of time. Maybe we would spend the night, maybe we would do an up and back trip. No firm plans were made. Gosh, we were practically hippies.
We toured the Alamo, strolled around the Riverwalk, and ate our weight in Mexican food and ice cream. We've been to San Antonio a few times, including once last year, but that didn't stop us from being total tourists and taking pictures in front of all the big stuff. Parker resisted somewhat to taking a picture in front of the Alamo since we already have several, but no worries. I fixed it below.
Interestingly enough, South Texas decided warm weather in April was overrated and came down with a cold front, but at least we weren't sweating our rear ends off like we were when we visited last May. Positive thinking. There's something really fun and magical about the Riverwalk. We literally just walked up and down aimlessly several times to enjoy the weather and unique scenery. If you get the chance to go to San Antonio, Tx, make sure and pay it a visit. It's a good time and the perfect little weekend getaway. Maybe now I will be more apt to spontaneously do things. Who am I kidding? Probably not.
We toured the Alamo, strolled around the Riverwalk, and ate our weight in Mexican food and ice cream. We've been to San Antonio a few times, including once last year, but that didn't stop us from being total tourists and taking pictures in front of all the big stuff. Parker resisted somewhat to taking a picture in front of the Alamo since we already have several, but no worries. I fixed it below.
Interestingly enough, South Texas decided warm weather in April was overrated and came down with a cold front, but at least we weren't sweating our rear ends off like we were when we visited last May. Positive thinking. There's something really fun and magical about the Riverwalk. We literally just walked up and down aimlessly several times to enjoy the weather and unique scenery. If you get the chance to go to San Antonio, Tx, make sure and pay it a visit. It's a good time and the perfect little weekend getaway. Maybe now I will be more apt to spontaneously do things. Who am I kidding? Probably not.
Do you consider yourself spontaneous?

What a fun time! I hear San Antonio is a lot of fun - I hope Dan and I are able to visit it when we're in Texas! :)
I'm with you, though... being spontaneous does NOT come naturally to me. It's torture for me when plans change. Dan is the same way... plan man Dan... so if we ever do something we weren't planning, it's a big deal too!
Spontaneity is what keeps things interesting in a marriage, in my opinion! It's been FOREVER since I've been to SA, and on the river walk! I kinda wanna go now!
Looks like a fun weekend! Love the pics! Wish you guys could have been at Pensacola now, because I feel like we would totally be friends in real life :) Always love your updates!
Kourtney @ ksmmartin.blogspot.com
I'm not spontaneous at all but my husband is. It's a nice balance. Usually he'll want me to do something spontaneous and I don't want to.... but when we do, it usually turns out to be so awesome and I'm usually so glad we did it! =) Looove your pictures.
Being spontaneous is not my thing either. Though I'm trying to get better at it.
San Antonio looks like such a fun place to visit. I'm definitely going to have to put that on my "I want to visit" list. Glad you had a good trip.
I am such a planner! But I have been known to say to the hubby "hey, let's go to X today!" Usually a safe bet though because we don't travel farther than 2 hours with the kiddo. But I still like to plan these things!
San Antonio looks like fun, and the Riverwalk is very pretty! Glad you had a good time!
Beautiful pictures! I can be very spontaneous depending on what it is. I can also be the planner down to every last detail... very weird :-P
I've always wanted to go to San Antonio and experience the riverwalk :)
Need to be spontaneous with two teen-agers in the house. They sometimes have serious memory lapses and don't tell me about stuff.
I have learned that I can plan, plan, plan but when someone forgets and tells you that she has an University math placement test and forgot to tell you, planning goes out the window.
Now I really want to go back to San Antonio lol. Trying to talk my husband into it before he heads off for a few months.
I, too, am terrified of being spontaneous but good for you guys! Plus you were in the motherland so I give it two thumbs up. Glad you guys had fun!
I cringe at spontaneity! But sometimes for the sake of my marriage I have to suck it up! The Riverwalk is beautiful! Looks like you were able to have a lot of fun!
I'm usually not spontaneous, but sometimes I can be! Once in college I drove home for a mere 18 hours. Looks like you had a great trip to San Antonio!
We took a spontaneous trip to Austin this weekend! And we've got one for San Antonio in the works... but I guess if it's in the works it isn't really spontaneous. Anything you think is a "must-do" in San Antonio? I'd love to know!
I am a little bit of both. I love to plan and can really dislike when plans change but sometimes I really just want to get in a car and drive!
I remember in high school I used to say I was an extroverted introvert. What is that? Maybe it's real but now I embrace being and introvert. I'm not very spontaneous either although if you asked me a few years ago I would have said yes, but I'm really not.
i love this.
every single one of your posts of y'all together brings me a smile, you enjoy life, each other, and sharing that joy. you really are awesome! <3
Loooove San Antonio! We haven't been for over 2 years and that needs to change ASAP! Well, other than driving through it (sort of) on our cross-country move. But the Riverwalk and the Markets are the best I've ever been to! We love it! Looks like loads of fun :)
I used to be crazy spontaneous! I never knew what was planned for the day but we always came up with something new. Now, not so much and it bums me out. John is still really spontaneous though!
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