This weekend Parker and I went home to see my family for Easter. This is the last holiday where we will have the luxury to just drive home on a whim, so we knew we wanted to spend it with family. I would love to say we dyed Easter eggs, hunted for eggs, and the like, but that's not quite how this weekend went down. What did we do? We mulched. It's a lot like dying Easter eggs, but not.
In all seriousness, I was really excited when I found out we would be getting our hands dirty with a little old-fashioned manual labor. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and I was just happy to be spending time together as a family. I guess that's what happens when you become an adult. You just want to spend quality time with the people you love and don't care how you get it. So 160 bags of mulch later, I got my quality family time check in the box!
I don't have the best back so I am really just posing with the bag of mulch. In my three years of back problems, we've found the one perk: not having to lift 160 bags of mulch. Glass half full, people. I was on spread-the-mulch-around-and-other-miscellaneous-tasks duty. I also got awarded LVP (least valuable player) for taking a 2 minute phone call. Apparently there are no phone calls when mulching! My little sister, on the other hand, handled those bags like a haus.
The world's strongest man and the world's most cheerful helper, respectively pictured above. These two carried those 160 bags like champs!
And the award for simultaneously being the cutest and most worthless helpers goes to these two furballs. They were loving all that sun and brought a certain element of charisma to the group.
With everyone working together, we breezed through the task Saturday morning and were able to lay low and relax the rest of the weekend. It felt good to get outside and sweat a little with the family. Parker had a sore back and I probably needed 2 showers to wash off the stink, but we couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was on our way home! We also felt like we earned the giant Easter dinner we had, so there's that. Overall, the family was very pleased with the final product:
Of course Sunday was all about Easter and the real reason we were all together. We are getting back on our feet after a tough season in our lives, and man do we have a lot to be thankful for. With the exception of missing my twin sister and brother-in-law, the weekend was perfect. God has been so faithful to us, and getting to celebrate the resurrection of His son was a blessing and a gift. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter as well celebrating with the ones you love!
In all seriousness, I was really excited when I found out we would be getting our hands dirty with a little old-fashioned manual labor. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and I was just happy to be spending time together as a family. I guess that's what happens when you become an adult. You just want to spend quality time with the people you love and don't care how you get it. So 160 bags of mulch later, I got my quality family time check in the box!
I don't have the best back so I am really just posing with the bag of mulch. In my three years of back problems, we've found the one perk: not having to lift 160 bags of mulch. Glass half full, people. I was on spread-the-mulch-around-and-other-miscellaneous-tasks duty. I also got awarded LVP (least valuable player) for taking a 2 minute phone call. Apparently there are no phone calls when mulching! My little sister, on the other hand, handled those bags like a haus.
The world's strongest man and the world's most cheerful helper, respectively pictured above. These two carried those 160 bags like champs!
And the award for simultaneously being the cutest and most worthless helpers goes to these two furballs. They were loving all that sun and brought a certain element of charisma to the group.
With everyone working together, we breezed through the task Saturday morning and were able to lay low and relax the rest of the weekend. It felt good to get outside and sweat a little with the family. Parker had a sore back and I probably needed 2 showers to wash off the stink, but we couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was on our way home! We also felt like we earned the giant Easter dinner we had, so there's that. Overall, the family was very pleased with the final product:
Of course Sunday was all about Easter and the real reason we were all together. We are getting back on our feet after a tough season in our lives, and man do we have a lot to be thankful for. With the exception of missing my twin sister and brother-in-law, the weekend was perfect. God has been so faithful to us, and getting to celebrate the resurrection of His son was a blessing and a gift. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter as well celebrating with the ones you love!

Fun! I did some yard work for my family too! It's fun to sweat together and then rest together! =) Love the pictures. Glad you & Parker had a Happy Easter!
Love that you guys all got down and dirty helping with the mulch... and the doggies look adorable doing what they do best :)
I love the awards! So glad you were able to spend Easter with your family.
Love, love, love the awards! Precious! And such a great, quality weekend with your family!! How great that it was Easter weekend at that! Your family is just too adorable!
What a great activity to bond with the fam! You and Parker always look so cute.
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Yay for yard work! :) I love doing that stuff.
You guys are adorable! I actually love being able to get outside and get my hands dirty! Unfortunately, there isn't much grass in AZ, and water is strictly limited on post haha maybe in New York?!
Those two furbabies sure do bring a lot of charisma! They look exactly like Bruce did this weekend. What is it about pups and their love of sunbathing?
This looks like so much fun! I love the picture of Papa Benner and Phelps! Glad you had a good weekend at home! :)
DANG 160 bags!! that is insane, but i guess about right for that large of a space...haha
So fun! That sounds like my kind of weekend. And of course the pups are the best cheerleaders there area! And sunbathers, too. Glad yall had a great Easter! So fun that you are able to see family for all the big holidays.
It turned out great! And I am convinced you don't take bad photos :)
I love this post! Very happy to hear you had a wonderful Easter!!
LVP Haha!! Better than having to lug that many bags! Oh boy!
Sometimes doing some hard work with family is the best! I know that whenever we get together and get some work accomplished we have a blast! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend :D
It looks like you had a wonderful Easter Sunday with your family!
Sounds like a great Easter I'm sure your Dad appreciated the help even from the LVP. I really enjoy our blogs as you are such a creative writer. And unlike Parker, I read the recipes. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love to you, Parker and Miss Jenny, Grandma Pat
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