Coming off of this weekend, my heart is simply full. It was a weekend full of love every way you slice it. We spent the weekend with my family again, something you won't find me complaining about one bit! With our move to Virginia on the horizon, we both knew this was probably our last time to go to my parents' house before Christmas. We maxed out our opportunity and stuck in dinners and breakfasts with friends amidst good old-fashioned quality family time.
I bugged everyone all weekend by pulling out my phone to take pictures every time a semi picture-worthy moment occurred. I would blame it on blogger problems, but I was avid about documenting my life in college and drove everyone nuts then too. I'm going to just chock it up to Chelsea problems. Anyway, I digress. The weekend. Parker has had the itch to get back in the shop and build something as of late, so he was oh so happy to help my dad with house projects Saturday. Jenny was reunited with her favorite cousins and couldn't contain her waggy tail, but she did manage to spend quality time with each person by acting as a couch pillow.
I was also reunited with my favorite look-a-like after a couple of months of not seeing each other, and that's a great day for any twin. Can you tell who is who? Hint: I'm the one with the milkshake.
Hands down, my favorite part of the weekend was Saturday night. We had tickets to the Casting Crowns concert and were so excited for an evening of worship and community as a family. Casting Crowns is a contemporary Christian band and one of my very favorites. I have seen them three times, and they never disappoint. I've mentioned that this hasn't been the easiest year for my family, and it hasn't. I want to elaborate on this in a separate post later in the week, but for now, I will just say I was bursting with joy at the chance to worship together as a family of 8. Every day isn't promised. Health isn't promised. I am learning to take advantage of the moments we have. Moments like the ones that made up this weekend are what make my world go around. Sitting here at home on a Sunday afternoon, my heart is full.

What a wonderful weekend!
You're the one....on the right ;)
So fun!! You and your sisters all look so similar! It's easy to tell that you're all related! :)
Sounds like a perfect weekend! Family :)
So glad you had a weekend with family. I'm so jealous you're so close to them. I miss my dearly and cannot wait to go home in June! It will have been over 6 months! Not okay! lol
You are on the right. You are very similar to your twin but boy if you both sat next to your sister in blue you could be triplets!
Definitely a weekend to be thankful for :)
That's great that you are able to take full advantage of being close to your family! You will be so glad that you did!
What a sweet weekend! Hope this week treats you well :)
Where abouts in Virginia are you moving to?
I love that you got to spend time with your family and that you are making the best out of every moment and memory you have-- it's so important :)
What a fun weekend! So good to have that family time squeezed in!
Oh how I'd jump to see Casting Crowns. I saw them in Tally fla and they moved me to tears esp my fave song Praise him thru the Storm. Went with a now ex boyfriend.
glad you had a great time. miss hearing from you
Sounds like a great weekend! We sure do miss being close to family, but it's also nice being in a new place - you're able to grow together as a couple even greater and lean and rely on the other, part of the reason because you have no family around. Just the two of you- not to mention the traveling and novelty of living in a new state! I am also quite jealous of the Casting Crowns concert! But in June we are going to see Mercy Me and Tenth Avenue North at this concert event called Spirit West Coast... Love finding fun things to do in the area! Enjoy this while it lasts! But Virginia will sure be a fun place to live! Except the snow :)
I'm guessing your the twin with the longer hair, lol. But I have heard good things about the band Casting Crowns, i'll have to check them out.
Those milkshakes look amazing and I want one now! Ugh, I need to go work out instead!
I love Casting Crowns! I saw them in concert a few years back, and I would love to go again. What a blessing to spend quality time with your whole family. I always love your updates :)
It sounds like a wonderful family weekend!
Such a cute pic of you and your sis and those milkshakes look yummy!
Love that y'all have been able to get in so much family time in. I wish that we could be closer to my family. But we do enjoy getting to explore the country. So I guess it's a give and take.
Yah for family time! I am looking forward to this weekend when we head home for a week. It's always nice to re-charge with those you love, especially in the military when you don't always know the next time you'll see them.
My Wholesome Home
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